Second Year (Almost) Done- What Now?

This blog post is going to be a short blog exploring my reflection of my second year at UCLan, where I’ve come over the past 12 months and an action plan of how I’m going to improve in future and what I am going to do to meet my aims. Firstly, I felt like my second…

Reflection on my Time Working in School

In around November time I started working in a high school assisting the PE teachers, mainly in traditional practical lessons, in order to improve my skills and gain valuable experience to help me become a PE teacher in future. At first I was literally just there helping to set up lessons etc. and just supporting…

Questions as a Coaching Approach

In this blog post I will be exploring the use of questioning and Q&A as a method of coaching, using questioning as a coach is a fairly new concept to me and before learning about it in a lecture I had never used, or thought of using, it within my own coaching. When using questioning…

Types of Practice and Coaching

This blog post is going to explore the different types of practice that a sports coach could use whilst delivering a session, and how and when I think they can be best applied. I will look at practices such as blocked, varied and random practice predominantly, but also touching on practices such as player/coach centred, using…

Exploring a Games Based Approach to Coaching

Coaching can be performed in a variety of different ways, with each and every sports coach having their own approach and views as to what they think is best, but why do so many coaches opt to instantly get the agility ladders and cones out straight away at the start of their sessions? Although this…

10,000 Hours to Become Pro

There is an old saying that suggests 10,000 hours of deliberate practice in a sport is a sufficient time, and in this blog I am going to explore this theory and see if any of the thoughts around it can relate to my coaching. This concept can be tracked back as far as 1993, where…

Creativity in Sport, what is it?

Creativity requires varying, rare and flexible decision making in complex game situations (Memmert & Roth, 2007), however, in this blog I am going to be thinking about what actually makes a performer creative and who creative performers are. As an in-class activity we had to write down 10 of the most creative performers we could…

Linear and Non-Linear Pedagogy

In this blog post I am going to explore the differences between linear and nonlinear coaching pedagogy, these are both importance concepts and are regularly applied in sports coaching and on all developments of the Sports Development Continuum (SDC). The SDC conceptualizes sport into four elements: foundation, participation, performance and excellence (Houlihan, 2000). It is…

Why are Coaches Constantly Told What to do?

As a young sports coach it is so common to be instructed as to how you should coach, the drills you are going to be doing, how long for, which order in, how to progress them etc. But why don’t more organisations allow coaches to learn on the job and improve themselves? I understand that…